Albert Investing is offered to Genius customers You can invest in ETFs, stocks, and get a portfolio managed by Albert.
Smart money
Our Smart money algorithm sets aside small amounts of money to help you save and invest. You can read more about how Smart money works here.
Stocks and ETFs
You can choose from thousands of stocks and ETFs to invest in with Albert. Purchase whole shares or fractional shares by dollar amounts. Read more about how to invest in stocks and ETFs here.
Portfolios managed by Albert
You can select a portfolio managed by Albert based on your risk tolerance and goals. Read more about portfolios managed by Albert here.
Your funds
- Uninvested funds in your investing account are held at major banks and are FDIC-insured up to $250,000.
- Investment products in your investing account are not FDIC insured or bank guaranteed against risk of loss, and may lose value, but are insured against risk of brokerage firm failure by SIPC. Read more about SIPC protection here.