When you create an account with Albert, we'll communicate with you over text message on a variety of topics and for different purposes. For example, during the account registration process, we'll text you a code to help verify that your phone can receive text messages from us; you can text us if you need help using our app; we may send you a text message if we're experiencing problems connecting to your linked bank account; and, if you're a Genius customer, you can text us financial questions and we'll respond with financial advice over text message as well.
If you choose to receive promotional messages from Albert, you expressly authorize Albert to send you text messages about our products, services, and related features to the phone number you provided during the account registration process. These messages can range from making you aware of certain Albert services you're not currently using (but that we think you can benefit from), to simply suggesting opportunities to optimize your budget, and everything in between. Your consent to receive these text messages is not required to use Albert's services, and you can always text "stop" to us to opt-out at any time. Message and data rates may apply.