From the “Transactions” screen, you can view, sort, and edit transactions for your Albert accounts and your external accounts linked to the app. Spending and income charts show your actual spending and income, excluding transfers. If your data doesn’t look right, double-check to make sure Transfers and Income are accurate.
To manage your transactions:
- Navigate to the “Overview” tab (📊).
- Swipe over to “Transactions.”
- From here, you can search or sort your transactions.
- Tap any transaction to view or update the transaction details.
You can also add manual transactions from the “Transactions” screen. To do so, tap the plus sign (➕) near the top left corner of the screen and follow the prompts to enter the transaction details.
How do I change a transaction category?
To change the category for a transaction:
- Tap any transaction.
- Tap “Category.”
- Select a category or create a new custom category.
Please note: if you change the category for a transaction, we’ll automatically update all transactions with a similar merchant name to the same category. If you only want to change the category for one transaction and not similar transactions, change the merchant name before updating the category.
How do I change the merchant name for a transaction?
To update the merchant name for a transaction:
- Tap any transaction.
- Tap the merchant name at the top of the screen.
- Type in the new desired merchant name.
How do “recurring” transactions work?
Recurring transactions (like bills) are added to your “Recurring” screen and help us better predict your future budgets.
To mark a transaction as recurring, toggle on “Recurring” under “Details” for any transaction. If you mark a transaction as recurring, we’ll automatically mark all transactions with a similar merchant name as recurring. If you only want to mark one transaction as recurring and not similar transactions, change the merchant name before toggling on “Recurring.”
What does “Included in calculations” mean?
If “Included in calculations” is toggled on for a transaction, we’ll include the transaction in your spending history and budget calculations. If you’d like to exclude a transaction from your spending history and budget calculations, you can toggle off “Included in calculations” by tapping an individual transaction > toggle off “Included in calculations.” By default, this will be toggled on for all transactions.